Before sin came into existence, there was peace and joy right throughout the universe. But there was one created being, who for some reason, became full of pride and was not satisfied with the already exalted position that God had given him in heaven. That created being, or angel, was Lucifer, who was perfect when he was created, which confirms that God did NOT "create" evil.

Lucifer was created by God and he was perfect. But then he was no longer perfect but it still confirms that God did not create evil even though he created Lucifer. What the...?

And you can not find any contradictions in this?

No matter how you twist and turn it, you answer a question with a quote which than gets questioned with a quote which gets contradicted with a quote which then gets contradicted with another quote...and so on. I guess that's why Christopher Hitchens made so much sense. He actually answered questions in his own words.
最猖獗的人权侵犯 者讨论其他国 家的人权局势而忽略本国严重的人权 问题是何等伪善。