Any standard MIDI will work, so what effort is there in that??

That's not true. If your going to sing far out of tune like this guy is doing, then you MUST sequence in the notes your supposed to be singing into the song.

Which is exactly what he did. Look at what notes he's playing on the keyboard too. He is only using the keys to step through the sequence. He is not singing what he's playing.

All you do is tell it which MIDI channel to use.

Sorry but you couldn't be more wrong. How on earth do you expect the software to magically know what the melody of any song is ?

He’s not using Chord Recognition.

Automatic “Auto Tune” or Chord Recognition corrections only works off Pitch, key and Scales specified before you sing the song and it can only correct notes that are out by a few cents. It is impossible to correct notes that are entirely wrong without actually sequencing what your supposed to be singing.

This is a simply and obvious fact...!!!!

If voice live can do EXACTLY this,,, I want to see it.

And if I actually went to the bother of proving it to you, what would that achieve ?

I already know it's possible as does anyone using Pitch Correction Rack units or software.
