Hi James,I fully understand your argument and you are probably correct ( after all, I know next to nothing about any of this technology ) BUT, how much equipment do you have to do these same tricks and what did it cost?

Well you don't need to drop 3 Grand on one like me, you can get the Voice Works Plus rack for in around 500 USD and that comes with full on Voice Modelling, Harmony and more...

Here's some practical demo's of actual real world use.

Voice Modelling Demo + Pitch Tracking of what he plays on the keys.

Realistic Harmony.

It may well be that we're being fooled by the YouTube video - we'll have to see as more becomes known. I myself have doubts but have an open mind at this stage.

Well it does what it does, so.... there's no trick there. Just beware of the fact that you do have to sequence in every note your going to sing and then advance the sequence during the performance. Also don't forget, it will not sound like your voice at all.

I'm all for this technology, but not in the fashion Yamaha are promoting in this video. They are taking serious technology and making it into a gimmick.

I'd much rather see someone drop 500 bucks on a Voice Works Plus and have their natural voice polished and improved without the need to sequence anything. You just play your keyboard and sing. To me that's far more rewarding.

The main thing is, that if it does work, it will be a great move forward for the average home player and maybe someone who entertains the oldies and it won't entail carrying a cartload of extremely expensive equipment to do it.

I see two things there.

1: This is only an opportunity for Yamaha to sell something that you will get a laugh out of at home. Nobody will use it live, and you can be sure many will lack the ability to sequence the notes. For that, Yamaha will no doubt be on hand to sell you midi files at a cost.

2: It all so sad when there are real products out there you could be using live.
