Gang, some of you...go back and read my post again and then watch it again.
Craig is a Yamaha heavy hitter like Martin harris, he programs and develops software & styles, sounds etc.

And IMHO, why could not anyone use this for any purpose they want??
I heard him sing a little last night and he is not a great singer....but with this, anyone can sing right on pitch every note.

Rikki, YES you could do this. The tone of his voice, and other nuances come from him, BUT the pich comes from the note he is playing on the keyboard.

This is only a prototype, it is on the T4 right now (as the demo shows) but the VH2 HW allows him to do this programming and he told me it is very capable HW ,,,,,just needs mor programming to use it's full potential.

A way we can help get this is go to the youtube demo and sign in and comment. He will then take this to Yamaha for a commitment to add this feature.
Lee S.