I must be a different animal....none of the things you guys consider to be the "lifeline" are that important to me smile

I want a keyboard that works well on stage, a keyboard that can edit on the fly...a keyboard with a selected group of say 20-30 styles that are of high quality(..Can't use hundreds or thousands)..but if I did need them I have thousands on board. grin

I don't need or want a bunch of registrations, or one touch settings..or pads..

I want a keyboard that handles less..best..a keyboard that easily goes into a player mode...that is a drum style , left hand bass, piano, and a color sound...A keyboard with quality sounds, a handful of bread and butter sounds...I want a keyboard that handles and plays SMF's, more so than just style play ...one with markers and covers..

I already have this and there is no need to look to the future, my gear will still be doing this 5-10 years from now....just as well s it does now..

I guess I am saying I am already content, but for different reasons than you guys.. smile