About the MSB and LSB, on linuxsampler/qsampler not exist
The bank number in QSampler is neither MSB nor LSB, it's MSB and LSB merged to one value together. So you can address the whole range of MIDI banks with QSampler / JSampler / LinuxSampler.

MSB LSB <-> LinuxSampler
0 1 1
0 2 2
0 127 127
1 0 128
1 1 129
1 2 130

the Formel is:

LinuxSampler Bank Nummer = MSB * 27 + LSB


MSB=121, LSB=2
LS Bank = MSB * 27 + LSB
= 121 * 27 + 2
= 121 * 128 + 2
= 15490

All the others Prg number you know how to inputs.
this mean that under Linuxsampler we are allowed to create up to 15490 Bank select and also unlimites LSCP files.

You can also create different LSCP file ( with the same name: MS-2-instruments-1.lscp and put on preset folder. In this way you can create how many different giga soundbank that you like.
The all files can be path on the same folder OR mixed from any folders.
Of course..NO limits of file size... ( depend also how many layers you have used and how much RAM chace you need...if you need a lot...remember that you can install 16Gb RAM)