Originally posted by Spalding 4:
I would switch back to Yamaha tyros 3 (when it is made) if it had these few simple things

2. A sampler that can actually be used to sample, slice and reconstruct sound with large sample memory (300mb and fast loading times that retain the loaded samples after the keyboard is powered down )

3. Seriously upgraded editable drums samples

4. The ability to play audio samples loops perfectly synced to the arranger styles

6. Inbuilt speakers

Well, these points are almost met by the current Korg PA2-X pro/PA-800.
Speaking in particular of the samples loading time, Korg Germany has just released the following news:


loading 128MB WITH PCM AUTOLOAD lasts 400sec (6:40)

loading 128MB separately (after booting) lasts 280 sec (4:40)
Korg Kronos 61 and PA3X-Pro76, Roland G-70, BK7-m and Integra 7, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, vintage Gibson SG standard.