Dave easy up I may have erred in using the word majority of songs or words to that effect but I fundamentally disagree with you on this issue. First To say I mean well is paternising and of no help. Second you are not correct in your understanding of dependency. Thirdly I was not preaching of evil I was merely saying in my own words that alot of songs have wrong messages. Surely you are open to that. We have a song much requested here "The veil of white lace"
1 Veil of white lace.
The main character "LOVES" a girl
He hears she is going to marry another.
He goes to chapel and shoots the bride.
As he leaves the church his girl is
walking across the church grounds.
He has shot the wrong girl.
SICK -- 1 Shooting someone he "loves"!!!
2 Shooting the other one.
3 Depicts this as love.
I am trying in my own singing to be aware of the wrong messages. You are this way minded also so I do not see that we have basically any issue only understanding.If you are suggesting that we not look at the words then say so, however I think we are saying the same thing ie Look at the messages. I am not preaching I have and still do fail to look at them at times. However many do contain messages that individually and collectively lead to wrong programming. If you are saying that misinformation is not responsible for alot of our thinking try telling a french man to speak Irish--he only learned French. Dave Glad to see you are in good fighting spirits and I dont only mean well. Pierce