thats just the point. This is an arranger forum because the majority of users want arranger features on their keyboards. As a keyboard for studio/workstation and band playing use , i can see the immediate benefits of the mediastation right now as it is. But if this is being marketed as an arranger to arranger players then Dom needs to adapt his product and marketing accordingly. He has to focus on the benefits that this market values. Its not rocket science. Although you bought the media station as it is, there is still a niche market of arranger players that are just itching for Dom to demonstrate and develope the features they are interested in.It may well be that dom has done the maths and it is more profitable for him to develope the instrument along the lines of a studio/workstation instrument with the potential for arranger use but with more emphasis on the former.

I am not knocking the instrument or anyone that has purchased it. I think it has bags of potential for the arranger market.