For me the weight is not an issue - sure it's heavy but when out gigging it is nice to have you have a solid well built bit of kit and not something that you have to treat with kit gloves. In terms of Dom listening to customers - this is one area that he MUST be defended on - he was recently in the UK and I spoke to him about some concerns I had and the next thing I knew he was at my front THAT's customer service!!! I ca honestly say that the CEO of Yamaha,Korg or my beloved Roland has never done that!
Sure the MS has a long way to go - but given time this will be the instrument of the future...Dom does listen, he is working around the clock to provide a real quality instrument, and as the updates come out it does get better and better. I have been critical of it - much of the time because of the styles - but as for piano sounds and B4 there is currently nothing better (Yes I know personal opinion) ... and of course you can add to the MS whatever you like...vst's, Giga, and so on...
Enjoy and seasons greetings to one and all,