Yamaha is tickling our fancy with each Board they introduce. The T2 has "just enough" enhancements over the Tyros that it makes the Tyros owner (me anyway ) "consider" getting the T2. And I probably would get a T2 if it had 76 keys. I know I can sell my Tyros to offset the price of a T2 but since the T2 doesn't have 76 keys I see no reason to upgrade. Others who don't want or need 76 keys will obviously have a stronger reasoning and desire to upgrade.

I feel Yamaha does listen to us to an extent because they did give us the "Repeat Self To Fill" feature for the Tyros and also those that had the USB problems were given replacement USB circuit boards if they wanted without charge as long as their Tyros was under warranty. In fact from what I understand Yamaha will replace the faulty USB boards to those whose Tyros' are out of warranty as long as it can be verified that the USB is indeed faulty. How long that offer is good for I'm not sure.

OTOH for owners of the current Tyros, Yamaha could "easily" provide the software enhancements such as the Music Finder fixes on the T2 to Tyros owners as well. It would just take a simple software update. In fact all of the other OS enhancements on the T2 could theoretically be implemented as well to the current Tyros I would think.

But will Yamaha give us Tyros owners those enhancements that are on the T2? Quite simply I doubt it. Then there would be even less of a reason to upgrade to the T2. Yamaha is most likely thinking of their bottom line first and foremost and their customers have no choice but to be at their mercy. And sorry to say it but Yamaha has a tendency in my opinion to give up supporting a product once it has been either discontinued or a newer model is released, or even if a product hasn't been discontinued or a newer model hasn't been released. For example when was the last time the Tyros had an update and/or an enhancement feature was given to it? ... Well over a year ago to be precise. I do give Yamaha credit though for providing PSR 3000 owners the ability to update their keyboards but I still have a bitter taste in my mouth over the PSR 2000 fiasco. And although Yamaha did provide a "hardware" chip replacement for the PSR 2000 there were no improvements to speak of and it was a major hassle to have it replaced besides. And they went against their word too by saying it could be updated over the internet then suddenly changing their minds and making them without a Flash ROM chip. Oh well... yes it is water over the dam, but it makes me even more leery of Yamaha especially now that they have let the Tyros fall by the way side and essentially stopped supporting it in any way shape or form. And will that be the case with the Tyros2? Well if the Tyros is any indication then it most likely will be unfortunately.

So the question to me is one of priority.

Does it have what I want, or better yet what I require in a keyboard? Does it blow my current keyboard out of the water? To answer that question - not really in my opinion, but I give Yamaha kudos for developing the SAV technology, which btw is not a new technology but builds on existing technology in a new way.

Will it make me play better? Difinitely NOT. But with the SA voices some of the sounds will be a notch better (from what I've heard from the SA demos anyway), which is always a bonus.

But in the meantime I will bide my time and wait for the Board that meets my high and meticulous standards.

I may be in for a looonnnggggg wait btw..

Or possibly a short wait if Yamaha does indeed decide to make a reasonably light 76 key Tyros2.

Best regards,

[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 10-24-2005).]
Yamaha Genos, Mackie HR824 MKII Studio Monitors, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer (made in USA), Cakewalk Sonar Platinum, Shure SM58 vocal mic.