Hi Roel and Eric
I guess I should have defined the use of the terms “we” and “us”.

The “we” and “us” was referring to the keyboard consumers with purchasing power who were asking for along with other features, 76 keys and or a module, better integration of arranger and workstation functions on one keyboard and computer editing software for the keyboard.

I do understand that everybody has different needs and wants that can't all be implemented at once.
However, if keyboard manufacturers are not careful, they could begin to loose customers to software solutions if they keep making these half steps with their hardware arrangers and other keyboards.

I do understand that most people in general (my self included), usually would want the latest and greatest thing on the market if we did not have to put money in to the equation.

Unfortunately, with some persons, the purchase of a “new” keyboard, a justification (cost – benefit analysis) has to be done.

Again I don’t have a problem with the Tyros 2. I think Yamaha has exhalent marketing skills in hyping a product. Keeping most of their Tyros 1 fans happy is a very good strategy. However, I still do not feel that for a relatively satisfied owner of a flag ship arranger the Tyros 2 would be a wise choice at this time. I agree that the 40 or so SAV are revolutionary (or at least took realism of voices to another level) but that’s the only significant thing IMO you are getting extra with the Tyros 2 when compared with the other flagship arrangers from the other manufacturers.

Again that is not to put the Tyros 2 down. It would be a good board for existing Tyros 1 fans and for some one who does not currently have a flagship arranger or for some one who has the money to spend.

Would I like to own a Tyros 2? Of course!! However money has to come in to play and as such a business justification has to be done.

I think the manufacturer to look out for to come with a truly revolutionary product is Ketron. They have not released a flagship arranger keyboard for a good amount of years. If they are doing their research and viewing some of the forums, they would try and capitalize on an emerging market that wants a light 76 key keyboard, better integration of arranger and workstation functions on one keyboard and computer editing software for the keyboard. I know mediastation is doing something like that but marketing is not there right now.

These are just my opinions which are a fusion of different ideas from different forum threads.

BTW My “findings based on ...nothing” are the same “findings” that the first Tyros 2 purchasers based their decision to by the Tyros 2 with out trying it in person.