Originally posted by Dnj:
I would love to read your thoughts, hopes, wants & needs in future offerings?

Hey Donny, aren't you jumping the gun a bit? The Tyros2 has barely hit the streets and you're ALREADY wanting to barge ahead with the 'what's better' 'what's next' debate.

Donny, I have to agree with Eric Bott. I think we all need at least a little time to play the latest Tyros2 offering first, don't you? I mean, how can you tell where you're going until you know where you're at first.

As far as a PSR3000 followup, I'm sure Yamaha will oblige, but not at least until summer 06, and 'mark my words', as with the PSR3000 vs Tyros1, it won't include nearly all the bells & whistles of Tyros2. That would be marketing suicide for Yamaha. I can assure you that no new ground shattering technology will be included in the PSR3000 sucessor. I do predict though, that Super Articulation Voices will eventually appear (more sooner than later) in the Motif line. Like MegaVoices, it seems that the latest groundbreaking sound technolgy is first showcased with the Tyros model arrangers, and then

As far people's hope for a 76 note Yamaha arranger goes, I've been advised by people I know who have inside connections with the arranger keyboard development division at Yamaha Japan, that because the 76 note 9000pro turned out to be a huge financial disaster for them, they've developed COLD FEET about producing a 76 note arranger again in any near future.

Financially speaking, the 9000pro was a failed Yamaha grand experiment to expand arranger interest to the pro musician market. Unfortunately, pro musicians continued to show little/no interest in an arranger type keyboard, even with 76 keys, and the home hobbyist was more or less intimidated by it.

I personally could care less if the keyboard I own is marketed to/for a PRO or Hobbyist player. As a PRO arranger keyboard player, I don't need to convince myself or anyone else that I'm a pro, by what keyboard I play. I merely want the best lightweight 'portable' keyboard that inspires me to play my best. Tyros1 continues to delivery for me, and I expect Tyros2 to the same (+ a lot more) - Scott