Zuki. Certainly each factor adds its element in the big picture. Personally I'm not really hopeful that new instruments will change it significantly. Actually we have new PSR-E473, EW-425, Casiotone CT-S1000V, some new pianos, also I like a recent black version of Vox Continental (Korg); certainly once you had TOTL it's harder to be interested in anything less.

If we were talking about cars, could we expect that it would be much different? After all, all cars are similar, they have their types and necessary parts. Now they are become more electrical, but still, it's not like in few years my new car will fly me to another planet - I'm sorry that it probably won't happen in my lifetime...

Indeed, under different circumstances I imagine I could show more enthusiasm myself. I hoped to interact more with stores or manufacturers so that I could promote their keyboards on YouTube, but I picture they can hardly pay the bills without helping a small channel like mine. Without such interaction I feel more isolated.

At first I thought that this forced isolation may provoke creativity, but now I think that I require to get impressions from outside in order to be more creative inside. Well, there's no forced isolation here, everyone is free as a bird, but you know, trying to be on a safe side will make you less sociable.

I think, people need to be optimistic in order to keep it moving. Even if the optimism is based on some illusion or fairytale. Eventually it is the movement itself that makes it real.

The optimism has been challenged a lot lately, but it's our nature to always make a new plan when the last one didn't work out, it just takes time.