Originally Posted By Steve A
I don't like clicking a mouse when recording, & I also like FADERS. And when I get a routine down that works, I stick with it

I track basic tracks on the Arranger. Sync it VIA MIDI to my TASCAM DP24. Lay additional tracks. Cut VOX etc

MIX on DAW...I have yet to record on DAW, though I have PRO TOOLS & STUDIO ONE...I even bought the FADERPORT 16 hoping to use that, but haven't...

It may take longer, but I get my desired result...I love a Hard Disk Recorder over DAW all day long...But ya gotta mix on DAW if you wanna automate

Have a look at Korg’s nanoKONTROL Studio or their other Kontrollers if you don’t want to use a mouse. https://www.korg.com/uk/products/computergear/nanokontrol_studio/

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).