
When I was much younger, in my seventeens, I started reading Lopsan Rhampas books about astral projection. I progressed to the point where one evening I left my body, hovered just under the ceiling and stared at myself lying in my bed.

I was so excited, I woke my parents who of course thought I was nuts.

There are many things & realms outside of what we know as mere humans. I know for a fact that it does not all end when one leaves this form of life.

Secondly, I am INTENSELY interested in near death experiences. Because of current medical technology, the medical profession regularly brings the dead back to life. I love to read their stories, verifying everything recorded in His Book.

There are instances of describing in great detail what the doctors did to them, those in the room discussed and even describing some things seen lying on the hospital roof which were found afterwards exactly as described, to everyone's amazement. In one case reading back something written in ink at the bottom of a shoe lying on the roof.

Any search on the internet pertaining to NDE's will produce a wealth of information to be investigated.

Thirdly, I have personally heard His audible voice on the odd occasions in my life. I am normally severely attacked & ridiculed for stating this, but my own personal search in the contents of His Book revealed more than a thousand references to it. I can list all thousand plus cases here should you wish as this makes for some interesting read indeed.

Next, as for most of those that had an supernatural encounter with Him, their lives were never the same afterwards. Some sold their businesses, using whatever they've accumulated to help the poor. Many now had this supernatural glow on their faces which indicates the new peace beyond all human understanding that they've found in the process.

Then there is the training by His Spirit which simply cannot be explained. His Book is full of instances where He requested "separate unto Me..." It is in confinement that one is being trained, without other human beings influencing one.

There are so many other things along these lines that I absolutely love to discuss. My ex wife left me after 33 years of marriage. I was to blame, although it did not pivot around any affair or something similar.

I was 55 at the time. My biggest concern was growing old alone as I do not socialize where one regularly meet others. Thus, upon someones advice, I met a widow on a chat site. We went out for three months and were starting to talk marriage.

The next thing I know, was that for SEVEN nights in a row I was woken-ed with only these audible words: "I do not approve of this relationship"

At first I was severely annoyed, but later gave in and broke up the relationship. Less than three months later I met Monica. When she started backing out of our short courting relationship, she was audibly told in the night " I will MAKE you marry this man"

We have now been married for ten years. She is eighteen years younger than me.

I can & most probably WILL list some outstanding things (miracles) that happened to me personally in my lifespan, some of those amazing me even to this day.

Thus I find ample non Biblical alone examples making me believe in a after life and higher power. Maybe we'll end up discussing those over here, however previous discussion amongst these lines always turned sour very quickly. So I'll list them as this debate continues.

Make sure you'll fly forever!