"We can go there again should you wish as it was fun whilst it lasted plus I now know all the arguments that you use. I am used to the heat as this topic can sure warm up a LOT! Plus I am used to be threatened by them to be banned from the forum when their vain arguments became pointless for all to see. Also, when an atheist runs out of valid comments, they revert to their favorite pastime which is name calling - you cannot come up with anything I have not been called yet, but please keep on trying - "idiot" is a good start. This time round I'll do same though as acting civilized makes no impression on you."

-Show us the threats made by us. If you can prove your god exists, proving that we made threats to you should be very easy.

-Well, it sure doesn't bother you to call us idiots, does it? So don't play the victim now. "Idiot" is a synonym for "fool" and you should know what the bible says on calling people names. I guess your hypocrisy just took over your faith.

-By the way, you really have some issues for making it about religion. Anyway, you're a liar for I don't believe for a second that you could win an argument with an atheist. Right now, prove to me that god exists! Just remember this, there's no Nobel Prize in Religion for a reason. But if you have solid proof, by gosh, you'll no longer have to live on a meager budget. You'd be raking in millions. The burden of proof is on the believers.

-All what you've shown is that you're a hypocrite and a hateful little man who cares neither for fact nor truth.

Edited by Taike (12/31/19 05:54 AM)
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