Oh. Here's another thing I encounter a lot, especially from the rock music crowd. "So, do you play any real instruments or just synthesizers ?" or from my own father "Synthesizers aren't instruments ! They're computers !!"
I hate to break it to these people, but synthesizers are as much an instrument as a guitar is (and I play both) and I can get just as much emotional expression out of my synths as I do out of my guitar. Why is it that rock music people so often completely HATE the synthesizer so much ? I have yet to figure this out. All I can think of is that they see the arpeggiator or sequencer going on a synth and they think that that's all that playing the synth is all about. It's ignorance because they never took the time to fully understand the technology due to the learning curve and fail to see it as an expressive instrument (This is probably also propagated by the fact that the electronic bands they get exposed to have probably never actually played a keyboard in their lives and just let a sequencer do everything, or they mistake the sample loop stuff of the R&B hip hop genera to be synth playing)