WOW ... I didn't mean to start a global debate - but this being S-Z I should have known wink - but not being familiar with the term as it is not one I've heard used here in RI and back in the day in NY it was all BANDS that were playing, I really wanted to know what the term referred to ... after reading the responses, IMHO a "Power Single" is anyone who commands the attention and participation of the audience, regardless of what 'tools' they may be using ...
If I don't want a person who plays a solo instrument to mock me for playing an arranger KB, then, as Uncle Dave said. I can't "throw stones at the guy who stands behind a computer" ...
If you are the only person on stage and you have the audience reacting as you want, you are a "Power Single" -
even if you are playing background music in a restaurant and you see the audience reacting to your performance, or as people are leaving they pass by and compliment you on the music !!!

Edited by tony mads usa (07/19/12 08:42 AM)
t. cool