Originally posted by Diki:
If Yamaha called the DGX's a duck, he would be telling us how good they are with orange sauce...

This whole thread is a joke! You can't call an arranger a piano, and it magically become one. You can't call a WS loopstation an arranger and it magically become one. Or I can call you all wankers, and that settles it! That's what I am calling you, so that is what you MUST be...

That's your logic, isn't it?

LOL Diki!!
Did some one say timeout?

Where did that come from?
No one said an arranger is dependant on what a manufacturer calls the keyboard.

An arranger has to have certain basic capabilities.
Some persons including you want to define an arranger down to the modern day features that manufacturers are now putting on their arranger.
I would not be surprised that some persons would say that if the keyboard does not have a harmonizer, it is not an arranger.