i cant tell if your comments are geared to me or not Diki as they bear no relation to anything i have said. You have created these straw man arguments that i never made . I dont recall stating that the XS or XF could substitute an arranger . Do you ? I know i said that it could be used as an arranger and posted a demonstration to illustrate the point. I thought the clip was quite arrangersque but obviously not in your eyes. I thought the clip was pretty clear whatever the limitation. I dont recall critiscing anyone for not using the XS XF as an arranger , this is news to me . But i guess that it must have said it somewhere. When i started this thread i mentioned that my next arranger is likely to be a motif but i had not finished with my PA1X yet. But in your eyes i guess that might have meant that my next arranger purchase WILL be a motif and that it WILL replace my PA1X.

I am sure you would not put words in my mouth just to support your points......

Thats why there comes a time where i have to just let stuff go .

Its nothing personal but when you get into your zone you see stuff that isnt there (i am sure you really believe what you are seeing) and cant see stuff that is there .

I am done with this one but thanks for the polite debate. Two people can disagree without getting their knickers twisted :-)

[This message has been edited by spalding1968 (edited 09-12-2010).]