'The Motif is NOT even close to playing with styles as we know it...I had one, I still have a Kurz K2600 same game, patterns, arps etc. Beautiful instrumentfor sure!'

It most certainly is filled with styles but you are right, they are not as you know it. They are not just direct copies of songs a typical OMB musician might play because its not their primary purpose .

This is an instrument aimed at younger and more creative musicians who dont just want to mimic music created 30,40 50 years ago or who cant think outside of what they have been used to doing for years and years.

But the tool is exactly the same as an arranger in terms of musicality however the application of that tool is different and thats the point. Some bright spark at yamaha saw the idea of how styles could be used to flesh out songs in the early stages of song writing. You cant do this on a piano nor can you do this on a traditional workstation because it takes too long. It can only be done in arranger style. Thats why it is a serious selling point in the workstation market place and other manufacturers have had to follow suit.