What!! Are you serious?
“A pattern following a manual chord sequence is not a style.”

Whether the style is organized in to categories is irrelevant as to it being a style or not.
Whether a style has intro, endings, fills is irrelevant to it being a style or not.

A style is a multi track groove that has auto accompaniment.

Whether they are organized in to categories, has intros, endings, variation or fills are just manufacturer’s specific features.
Soon from now we would be saying Korg pa 80 is not an arranger because it only has two fills per style. Or we may be saying a style that has all audio tracks and can not play a Cm7 flat 5 is not a style because it does not have midi tracks and can not play chord extentions.

The Motif XS does have fills it just has an OS deficiency as to how you can use them.

[This message has been edited by to the genesys (edited 09-08-2010).]