I'm writing an academic book called "The Magic Manager". Basically, it's a history of extremely successful managers in a variety of fields who, in spite of lots of personal problems and, in some cases, violating every management principle known to man, were extremely successful. "It's Magic" , in some instances...not quantifiable.

Likewise, I worked in a duo with a guy named Preston Weber. He was a sight...overweight...had a twitch...bad hair dye job...never showed up for work on time...bad English...didn't know the correct lyrics to any songs. He was the highest paid, longest running, most successful entertainer Lexington ever saw. He made more than I made playing and holding a responsible corporate job. And, he was worth every penny. I sat beside him every night for years asking myself, "Why the hell are all these people here?"

Likewise, it may be that the best way to define at least an element of talent is, you guessed it, "Magic".

Russ (no talent) Lay

[This message has been edited by captain Russ (edited 07-02-2010).]