Originally posted by Irishacts:
Hi spalding.

If that's what he said then he very likely means that he is personally using Yamaha styles. It does not mean he is selling his keyboards with styles preloaded onto them.

As for the copyright and Yamaha winning a case in China. None of it effects Lionstracs as they do not sell or give away styles. So regardless of what anyone thinks Yamaha have accomplished here, None of it applies to Lionstracs at all.

Kind Regards

Look can we cut through all the tosh and can someone tell me, what are the chances of someone come knocking on your door with a writ for infringment of copywrite on a MS. How may of you out there are running paid for software on your PCs and in fact own many are now looking at a PC that has a proper paid up operating system on it, as no one every copied software. Go on tell me different so what's all hype most just keep quiet about it.
Tyros 4/Pair SR 350/ PC with a i8 intel chip, XENYX 802, Ford Focus 2 litre/Tascam DR07/Brother printer/Designjet 500/ our Doris/5 Grandchildren/ white boxers short Kymart shipped over and Typhoo Tea Earl Grey