Sorry, TWD, but have you heard ANYTHING like this music coming out of the US for the last twenty years or more? Didn't think so... (BTW, listened to on my Mackie HR824's)

And sorry, Dan, but I believe that European music itself is one of the reasons the arranger and accordion survive. On the charts, at least, here in the States, you won't find songs that have anything LIKE the chordal simplicity and rhythmic simplicity that is so easy to do on arrangers and accordions. Far more of the ethnic music heritage has been preserved and appreciated, even by younger players (especially continental Europe) than exists here in America. But try to do MODERN hiphop, pop, R&B, rap, alternative on an arranger, and you are hopelessly lost getting even CLOSE to the record, let alone nailing it.

Young players are the majority of buyers of keyboards in general. And until arranger manufacturers make arrangers that CAN easily play today's American music (and let's not forget, the rest of the world is buying and listening to our music in droves, and letting it influence THEIR music, just like Rock & Roll and Soul and R&B did in your day), they will remain niche products. But if they DO, there's absolutely nothing stopping them being popular again. I mean, who WOULDN'T want a keyboard 10X's easier to use than a modern WS to make modern music?

I tell you, first one out the blocks to make a modern equivalent of the DJX (they are so cheap nowadays because their styles have become dated - same process but magnified applies to OUR arrangers) is going to make a FORTUNE...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!