Originally posted by ianmcnll:
Lexus is nice...also the design was heavily influenced by Italian designers...Fioravanti just did the new Lexus LF-A coupe, the new Prius coupe is also of Italian design, and several older cars...the Lexus GS 300/Toyota Aristo.

More than a passing influence.

I'm a Honda Accord guy myself...picked up a mint 2002 Special Edition last year...awesome car.

PA500 made in China?

Probably just assembled there, but the design was no doubt done at their Italian Headquarters...can't see them having a separate one in China.

Yes Italian design or not the make is Japanese that is what important for me.
Yamaha psr s910 is made in China. Is it a Chinese keyboard then. No and that is what I try to say all the time. The brand is Japanese that is important not who disigne it or in what country it is build. Maby there are Mercedes factories in the USA I don't know but if there are it still is a german car.

And now to more important things.
Must I buy a psr s910 or a Korg PA800? Not sure yet.