Tony, I think we ALL thought it was rude (I don't really like the word 'ignorant') behavior. But I think the question mr9000 is asking is, WHY DOES IT BOTHER US SO MUCH? Rude behavior happens in the music business all the time, but we ignore 99% of it, not try to conjure up a lynch mob. As mr9000 pointed out, this isn't even a segment of the music industry that most of us (ol' farts) even care about. So why such an 'over-the-top' emotional response. I asked a few posts back if the response would have been the same if the principals had been different people. I'll let you (as in 'each of you') answer that for yourself.

Sometimes mr9000 makes a lot of sense once you decode his messages . At least he took the time to rethink his position. I admire people who can do that.

An interesting side note: not once during all of this, the incident and the aftermath, did Mr. West go 'potty mouth', which is way more than we can say about those who would have him drawn and quartered.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]