I can't believe that anyone seriously thinks that the fix isn't in for any of these media conglomerate driven, so called 'award shows', and I can't believe that Kanye West, after being the beneficiary of the fix being in in the past, wasn't acutely aware of it being 'in' for little Taylor Swift this time around.

What a storm in a teacup! As if there weren't things of monumental import actually going on the same minute in the US as well as around the world. That this should have taken a millisecond away from our attention to health care reform, financial regulation needs and the Wars (yes, there are still more than one!), let alone the President's, is merely a sign of how far we have fallen...

Reality check, folks. These things have ALWAYS been fixed, always will be fixed, and some prat will always pull some desperate stunt to attract attention.

An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!