Originally posted by Diki:
Lucky, if I visit a country that I don't speak the language, I do not demand anyone speaks mine. Should they chose to, that's their choice. Me, I'll get a quick guide/traveler's dictionary/phrase book and somehow muddle through. Perhaps you think learning a foreign language necessary to 'not be a burden' on the natives. Me, I think I can probably muddle through OK without taking years of lessons for the one visit.

Let's be frank here... should you limit your travel to ONLY countries you speak their language (where's the toilet and two beers please don't really count ). Kind of limits your choices, doesn't it?

I don't EXPECT foreigners to speak English... when they do, it's a pleasant surprise, but I have no more right to expect of them than they do of me. A phrase book and some sign language gets us by. But feel free to stay at home until you have learned the language of wherever you want to visit. How many years is that per country? I'd prefer to think of how many countries per year I could visit if I didn't have to...

Accelerated language courses work wonders as long as you're willing to spend an hour or more a day for thirty to sixty days (or longer)pracitcing. Diplomats spend about the same amount of time to learn the basics. Once you know the basics the sky's the limit. That'll give you plenty of countries to visit in a year's time. If one only had the time.

最猖獗的人权侵犯 者讨论其他国 家的人权局势而忽略本国严重的人权 问题是何等伪善。