Originally posted by Lucky2Bhere:
Diki....let me guess. You DON'T live in an area where you have to locate your items yourself in the supermarket because none of the help speaks English. Ditto for seeking service in English at many gas stations, car washes, small restaurants, convenience stores or even asking directions on the street.

I lived in Europe for many years. In each country I lived in I made every effort not to be a burden on the home folks...and I studied my Berlitz books every single day until I acquired moderate conversational skills. It's called being considerate to your fellow man! Foreign folk who insist on speaking their own language here should learn to be as considerate to us.


My hat off to you, Lucky. That's the spirit!

最猖獗的人权侵犯 者讨论其他国 家的人权局势而忽略本国严重的人权 问题是何等伪善。