It amazes me how many folks on this forum profess to be experts about equipment they only read about and have no actual hands on experience with.

Read my previous posts - the two compacts perform quite well under the conditions I have outlined so far which is moderate size rooms ranging from 40 by 40 up to about 75 by 150 (sq.ft.) with an audience that is rather quite. I would not use the compacts for dance club like envirenments nor would I use it outside unless the coverage area was small.

If my main gigs included hip hop, dance, trance or any of the other hard bass driven music I would not use the Compacts - regardless of how many additional bass units you wanted to add.

So far In my experience with the Compact it has produced a considerable amount of bass - enough that I retweaked my Tyros 3 EQ for use with the Compacts.

I have not tried tying my two compacts together using the builtin line outs on the back of the speakers so I can't speak to that setup - might try that this weekend and see what happens. I did add a mixer to the setup and have posted that result above.
