Personally....key feel makes all the difference in the world...I can never understand how folks make this a compromise..

Key feel has always been a "big deal" to me...Going back to my accordion days..keys on an accordion had to be quality for me..even at the age of 13..

Unlike Ian..semi weighted keys are the only way for me....nothing makes a great sound un-enjoyable like a bad keypad.....Thus I will never play a Yamaha PSR board..and for that matter the low end feel keyboards from Roland too..

The slightly undersized keys also is a no no to me (Yamaha again)...

I do not see any need to sacrifice or compromise when it comes to keys...there are many better mentioned the Korg, Roland, Ketron top models...and add in that group the MediaStation..

If it feels like sounds like me..

Years ago Uncle Dave and I always said the feel made the sound more playable....of course in his old age..he is making compromises now..