Originally posted by Kingfrog:
They are using guitars and from what I see and my wife as well tracks/live drun machines and left handed bass. My wife uses tracks she records using the keyboards we had (PA2x) and the Tyros. She feels people are generally not aware of Arrangers and their possibilities in live use. (except the Latinios). She also feels as a pianist she HAS to take 88 weighted keys. She does not feel she would lose any work if she took out tje Tyros. Buts she is more comfortable playing 88 against a track.

So I would assume playing against mp3 or smf tracks in a big entertainment town like Vegas is totally accepted unlike the belief here on SZ to the contrary that musicians are lowering themselves by using them in their acts... NOT!. And I am sure the audiences love them also. It must be cool living there seeing so many different acts all the time.

Good luck to you