Originally posted by Bill in Dayton:
Arranger players like myself who use styles exclusively when performing, have a tough nut to crack as we get more and more contemporary requests.

This is super subjective, of course, but I try and do pretty faithful renditions of any tune I play. So, last night when I got a request for some Police tunes (Da do doo, da da da, for example...) There isn't a style I'm aware of that can do a close to the vest rendition of what happens in that song. Can I approximate it...well, parts of it...Same for some Kansas stuff people have asked me for...

Unless styles take a quantum leap in the next few years, I'll be forced to consider using midi files which I have not used yet in the last 13 years.


I think you should ignore reqests. You are an artist, you decide what you play. another
fenomen is when they whant you to play there
favoriteartist!!!!!! Once I had a special reqeast...then I askt him what song is that..and he told me...that is not a song, itis a radiostation,and it plays very good
music!!!!! Tryggve