The overall reason for me giving up the MS was not about the keyboard, well it was, but not all.

It was the betrayal of trust from you Dom.

I TRUSTED what you said about the MS, I trusted you were going to fix things. I believed that these issues you were taking seriously.

But you did not.

You kept adding more and more toys. And for each new toy meant the fixes to the REAL problems on the MS were just that much further away.

And I am really tired of the constant BS that it is always someone else's problem. It is NEVER to do with you.

Well it IS your problem and it IS 100% to do with you.

You design it, you market it, you SHOULD support it.

Whether that costs you money or not.

You had all these functions working, but you arbitrarily chose to fully change the motherboards and operating systems so therefore it was YOUR responsibility to make these work on the news systems. IMMEDIATELY, not wait for some Linux developers to do it for you.

Dual screen operation is NOT an issue with any other Linux system apart from Kubuntu. Performance mode worked on earlier systems?
Surely you researched all of these things BEFORE changing the hardware?

No, YOU wanted new toys and gadgets on it, so at the expense of users you charged ahead without any thought for users.

I am NOT the only one with this thought. There are others, who I will not name, and they may not even tell you, but they think it.

All anyone gets from you is either a) it is all perfect and anything that is not is the users fault or b) you cannot afford to fix
just keep waiting.

Well not all of us are richboys who can just muck around with a keyboard whenever it suits them. We need them for our work as well as pleasure. We do not have the luxury of having "gun" Linux programmers at our beck and call.

If you produced just produced one full and complete manual that would be a major step forward.

In the end Dom you again do not get me. I have NEVER said overall the MS is crap.

JUST the arranger part. The rest is okay.