
I'm sorry, but if a demo sucks, the instrument sucks. I don't have to play one. I've got two ears, and a pair of decent monitors. If none of YOU can make it sound any good, what makes you think I can just by playing on it?

I have never criticized anyone's playing on these demos (other than to point out the completely dated style they play in ), I merely point out (to you, it's a rant - to me it's an opinion ) just how cheesy the styles and sounds are. Do you honestly think that sitting down in front of one, holding down a chord, and hearing that same crap sound and style come out of the store's speakers is going to change my mind one little bit

It is the last resort of the desperate to claim that sitting in front of one of these things is going to change anyone's mind, if the demos ARE representative of the sound. Either they ARE, in which case I wouldn't drive across town, yet alone cross country to play one, or they AREN'T, in which case, why the hell can't any of you post a decent one? But no... the same dog poor quasi-Casio sounding embarrassments get posted, and then you get all indignant when we just tell it like it is...

Either stop posting crap like that, or expect to have a VERY hard time persuading anyone that it will all be SO different when you actually sit down in front of one...

And, Ensnareyou, the next time you voice ANY opinion on something you have heard, but not actually played, have the good grace to remember YOUR rant. If you don't trust your own ears, fine, but somehow I doubt this. If it sounds like dog doo, it IS dog doo. I don't have to sniff it as well

If every YouTube video of a Ferrari Testarossa showed it unable to corner without rolling over, you know, I would probably not have to drive it to prove it for myself! I would watch those rollover videos and go 'that car is a piece of crap!'

And so would you...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!