I wish I would've gotten a better musical education as a youngster. I'm with you on that and I envy the guys that did. And continued though their lives. Although as mentioned in a post on the bar the pursuit of music has made a lot of my friends 60 year old children that still can't support themselves, because of one vice or another.


Yes learning is a lifelong process but in my early 20's maybe when you were continuing your education and working on your craft I was having a family and working on the values and security I thought was important to provide for my family. Music took a secondary role, I never gave it up completely but I choose not to dedicate my life to it.

Who was right? Who was wrong?
I guess that's a personal choice.
I still enjoy music but, for me, it is still not on the top of the list.

But I'm glad that you both respect us "entertainers". And I do understand what I perceive to be your frustration about some entertainers pretending to be musicians.
But you have pretenders in all walks of life not just music.
Does the fact that I choose a different path make me less professional, or less passionate? As long as I don't oversell my abilities I don't think so.(see my disclaimer above)

Now look at all these differing viewpoints and how civil this post has remained, what's up with that?

[This message has been edited by mikeathome1 (edited 04-17-2008).]