C'mon, Bill... Somehow, this show is funny when a really bad singer gets the Simon treatment, but NOT when it's a really bad keyboard player??

The show disgusts me, and I NEVER watch it, but NOT because they are in some conspiracy to demean arranger keyboards. It's a conspiracy to demean EVERYONE, in the guise of 'entertainment'. And for me personally, the idea of a show where a considerable number of the entrants are deliberately chosen to humiliate them is just a little bit 'schadenfreude', a little too much Berlin in the 1920's... and we all know where THAT led!

Why can't we simply take joy anymore in the display of talent? Why is it SO much more successful if it includes the humiliation of the untalented? Have we all really stooped this low..?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!