What is the definition on Legitimate?
If you play, YOU PLAY simple as that...if you want to dream up some kind of purist attitude with an always underlying meaning to demean people that play music at any level & with ANY instrument in any way shape or form, I feel that is looking at it with blinders on. I play a Psr3000, I could well afford a TOTL arranger, but I'm comfortable with this for now. Is that wrong? many of my friends play arrangers professionally & for home use & many are excellent players who have told me that playing the arranger really gives them much enjoyment due the fact that they can do it all alone & still sound like a full band. I dont think many care out in the world about purism thoughts when they listen to or watch music performed. They just want to be entertained. This is an electronic world in all facets of life, Playing an instrument like the arranger either a inexpensive Costco Casio or a TOTL Roland G70 isn't any different for young or old to learn & enjoy. I wish everyone played an arranger KB the world would be a happier place. Not everyone can do it correctly....but it surly brings joy to whoever does indulge or listens. I find that the ones who displike arrangers or the OMB concept are so called musicians tht feel that they have been cast aside & have no work anymore due to OMB's, high tech electronic arrangers etc. vs the old days of predominately live bands.....but the times are changing & you got to move with the flow & try to fit in & find your niche to survive.

[This message has been edited by John DiLeo (edited 04-15-2008).]