Anyone interested in new voices for PSR9000
sampler should check out they are selling voices using brand new waves, the site can be translated using the "alta-vista" translator, I have'nt tried any of these new voices yet, as the on-board voices manage to satisfy all my music making needs. I play all types of music, classical,
swing, latin, modern pop and compose my own newage music. As well as very authentic traditional instruments, the PSR has lots of beautiful and rich synth pad sounds and very "in your face" synth solo sounds.
The inbuilt styles are not as complex as some of the competition, but more complex styles are available on the net for free. I have a 250mb zip drive on which I have thousands of new styles, they really bring the keyboard to life. The speakers are truly amazing, the best I have heard on any arrangeur. Please be aware that the factory set up state only shows about a tenth of the ability of this keyboard, i've had mine for almost a year, and for me it still has that "wow" factor, I feel PSR9000 is quite underated and misunderstood by some musicians because of it's fairly bland factory preset state and understated but very musical styles. This keyboard will reward the musician who is willing to delve into it's sophisticated features, but don't take it at face value.
My previous keyboard was a KN6000, which I had for three months, I changed because of the better strings, synth pads and speakers on the PSR9000, but that is just my personal opinion, I know some people speak very highly of the KN6000, but please check out all it's voices very carefully, it excells in some areas but totally misses the boat in others, again my opinion, all am saying is check it extremely carefully. Whatever you choose have fun!!!!!.


[This message has been edited by Paul A Smith (edited 01-04-2001).]