I have no doubt and agree with you 100% in that the PSR-3000 sounds good, and has great features. That's I will not dispute. However, the PSR-3000 has basically the same build quality as the PSR-2000/2100. On top of that Yamaha is still using the most crappy pitchbend and modulation wheels I've ever used on a keyboard in my life. I can't believe they would put something of such poor quality on a keyboard selling for $1,500.

My playing style relies greatly on the pitch and mod wheels, and I need a good quality pair. Also I do not like the key action of the PSR's. I don't like the smaller keys, and I don't like how short the "throw" is on them before you bottom out.

If I bought the PSR-3000, I would be midi'd up to my board with 76 keys and way better quality wheels. Again however I'm not spending $1,500 on a keyboard that would require me to midi it up to another just for a decent set of keys and wheels.

A while back I bought a PSR-2000 from a forum member (I knew I wouldn't like the keys and wheels, but I still have my board with 76 keys). It wasn't a problem for me to midi that board because the seller sold it for a REALLY good price.

For $1,500 I expect a board to have at the minimal decent keys and mod wheels, and the construction to be of better quality.

Look at the Korg PA-50 and Triton Le. Lower models, but hey look at their prices too. Only $1,000 for those units.

I did however consider the PSR-1,500, but after talking to others, I found the general opinion of this board was that it was basically a PSR-2000/2100 with a different body. One thing I'd want is the mega voices, mainly the guitars and mega bass. Damn do those mega voices sound good.

Anywho when the PSR-3000 comes down in price I'll probably pick one up. Then it (to me) would be worth it considering the build quality.

GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.