Contrary to what YOU believe....

Sorry, old chum, but you can't speak for me about what I consider 'acceptable' in factory sounds and styles. I've heard nearly everything there IS with the factory styles on the MS, and they aren't even CLOSE. Maybe close enough for you (but I doubt it, or you wouldn't be so adamant about making your own... mind you, curious I've never heard these, isn't it?), but certainly not close enough for me.
I'll put my G70 ROM styles untweaked up against most of THEM.
And, when you want to talk about the Wersi, for starters, let's pretend that the Abacus's aren't firstly, dead in the water, and secondly, about double the price of any other arranger, and thirdly, WAY too 'home organist' in approach with the factory styles and sounds. Which, BTW are the 'Factory' sounds, not third party VSTi ones. It's not like your Abacus came with NO decent styles or sounds, but at an exorbitant price. And there STILL isn't an extensive soundset and style set based around top quality VSTi's, which is kind of the whole POINT of an open arranger, isn't it? The BEST sounds, with the BEST styles...
Isn't that the Holy Grail...? Or is making your own second rate styles more satisfying than using someone else's first rate ones? I'm not being harsh, here. If I had heard anything consistently amazing out of ANY of the open arrangers, despite being out of my price range, I would be the FIRST to say what an amazing product they are. But when I hear demo after demo after demo of mediocrity at best, and sometimes outright cringeworthy excrement at worse, it's hard for me to accept the rhetoric.
As I said, when someone makes an open arranger that STARTS out as good sounding as a closed TOTL one, and MAKES IT AFFORDABLE (remember that part?

) and adds in all the good stuff from open arrangers, the world will start buying them. But in the meantime, you can talk all you want. Until I hear a clear, unequivocable improvement in the sound of open arrangers over closed ones, their disadvantages FAR outweigh their advantages.
Only HEARING lots of top notch musical examples is going to change my mind in the least. You can post till you are blue in the face, but I need to HEAR it, not read it. And I've heard pretty much everything already done. So you had better point me to something a LOT better...