Bill ... those are interesting numbers... we often see profit figures shown in $$$ - such as ABC OIl company had $10 billion in profits, but rarely do we see the profit margin shown.... with all the problems of running a business, is it wrong to try to achieve a profit margin of 3.4% or even higher? ...(Not to change direction of this thread, but as a side note, I find it interesting when people complain about 'big business' making big profits, but LOVE it when those profits show up in their 401K or other investment portfolio.)

It is interesting that I quite recently have spoke to two gentleman from Germany and one from England and all three said that they felt the US system was better than what they had in their country.

I understand that there are people in the US who flat out cannot afford health care, but I also see the 'uninsured' numbers increased by people who will have the latest HD flat screen tv, the newest and best 'do-it-all telephone with costly monthly charges, etc. etc, and yet NOT have health care ...

What I can't understand is why health care in the US would have to have so much bureaucracy that it would cost billions to trillions of dollars !!!

t. cool