Originally posted by FAEbGBD:
Lol. It begins already. Bush fails? Bush's fault. Obama fails?.....duh, Bush's fault. I wonder how many "McCain stole the election" stories had to be torn up and thrown in the garbage that were written well in advance of the election?

Probably not too many...

Its a given that each president often has to be subjected to correcting the previous pres. actions.

Its more valid, IMO, if you consider the level of the error involved.

Ex. Take Reagan getting most of the credit for the release of the Iran hostages after he replaced Carter. In this case, the negotiations/agreements were already in place, but Iram simply wanted to bring as much shame upon Carter as they could. It works in reverse sometimes too...

You really have to pay attention to not get sucked in by the BS.

Bill in Dayton
Bill in Dayton