Hang in there Russ! I do understand how you feel. I've been there, done that, and may still be there doing that. I have to care for my 87 year old mom, her doctors appointments, visiting her everyday, my day job, teaching two night a week at the college, directing choir at Church, and trying to spend time with my wife and my Grandson. On top of all that I'm dealing with my own prostate cancer and impending surgery. Then you hear some young kid or someone like DonM or Gary who can outplay you blindfolded and you think what's the use. I should just give up and play bingo in my spare time. I wish I had the time, drive,and energy that others seem to have to really learn my Tyros and all the midi and recording stuff.

Then, you have a job where the crowd really appreciates your music, and you see the smiles and the people having a ball dancing and it makes it all worth it. People like us NEED to perform.

Russ you must be a great person to take care of everyone on your list. You must be a great friend to play jobs and give the money to your friend. I'm sure you are a special person. My wife has a close first cousin in Lexington and someday soon hope to be there and to listen to you play and meet you.

Hang in there, and please arrange a vacation for yourself. Tell your friend's kids they need to step up to the plate. It always helps me to learn new tunes. I've been stuck in the BB/Jazz venue of music for 35 years. For me Mustang Sally is a new tune. I've had a ball learning Mercy Mercy Mercy which is not a new tune but it is new to my library. I'm learning country now, working on "Trashy Women" thanks to DonM's help. Apply some new styles to old tunes. I heard Doc Severson do "Here's That Rainy Day" last night on David Letterman. He did it as a slow ballad. I've always done it as a sort of half assesd latin. I'll have to try it as a ballad.

As we age you would think we need less stuff in our lives not more. Your feeling will pass and in time life will get more simple. I'm still waiting for life to get less complicated for me, but it will. Stick with it and the fun will return.

