Originally Posted By Nigel
Originally Posted By tassiespirit
In February 1988, after complaining about headaches for several weeks, Biden underwent surgery for a brain aneurysm. Three months later, he had surgery for a second brain aneurysm.

So what? I have had a ruptured brain aneurysm and I am still fully functioning. And it doesn't sound like his even ruptured.

Nigel, Aussies are tough nuts for sure ( maybe it's the thick skull) lol. But looks like he is still suffering with his memory.

Anyway, I have two Cavernomas 1 x 10mm and 2 x 2mm that sometimes bleed. I have suffered from Migraine Disorder for 19 years and when they bleed it causes issues. They can remove them but I will end up with more Migraine issues and epileptic fits because of where they are. Anything to do with the brain causes hugh issues re: moods and memory and attitude, unless you have a great surgeon.

I just put it in as it may have been something that he has been carrying since his ops. Maybe it hasn't affected him at all and his memory is something else.

Allan taz

Edited by tassiespirit (11/14/20 03:15 AM)
The problem is not the problem...The problem is your attitude to the problem.