Yes, in Germany it is the AFD, the far right party, who want to leave the EU. Is this the type of Germans you like best?
How was the Ireland border issue „sorted“ years ago? Please explain, otherwise I sort it as fake news. How can a border remain open and at the same time prevent uncontrolled exchange of goods? It‘s very complicated and not the EU‘s fault.

I don‘t believe „EU masters“ (and I don‘t accept and defend everything the EU does and says, the EURO remains a problem, economic realities were not sufficiently taken into account when it was introduced).
I get my information from various news sources. Such as this about the complex Irish border issue. It just doesn‘t appear to have been sorted out years ago, as you say.

Regarding your ever returning expression „EU masters“, I think there are problems in the architecture of the EU, but you should also consider that everything is based on contracts signed by democratic countries. (Unfortunately, Poland and Hungary show more and more undemocratic tendencies, which must not be tolerated within the EU.)

Edited by Crossover (11/14/20 03:04 AM)