Originally Posted By tassiespirit
Trump recount: Will it be like the Bush vs. Gore recount, which lasted 37 days?

It took Gore 37 days before he conceeded, so Trump is not doing anything someone else hasn't already done before him.

Unfortunately, it is the way he does things that gets up peoples noses, not that he doesn't have the right to. In this case, to contest the handling of the votes from the people. Even though the popular vote went overwhelmingly to Biden.

Like it or not that is the political system in the US, other countries have their own circus, called voting, like here in OZ.


You think Gore did the same Trump is doing now?
There was a difference of 537 votes between Bush and Gore in Florida in 2000, AND it was the one decisive swing state.
Now there is a difference of 45,000+ votes in PA alone, and it wouldn’t even be sufficient for Trump if that massive difference changed.
There were OSZE election observers - they found no indications for irregularities!
Trump intends to damage the system.