Well, it seems the Genos hype is over. Most specs and features have been presented to the public and youtube videos have been made available. Forums all over the world have gone nuts with posts and opinions - mostly by folks who knew nothing about the Genos. Really not much more to get excited about except waiting for that knock on the door by the delivery man. So, with all the info and videos being released how has it influenced you in your buy or to not buy decision? Specifically, regardless of your decision, what are the things that brought you to that decision - other than money? Do you think the value is there for the prices we have been told? Is the 76 key only version a turn off for you? If you gig a lot is the form factor a turn off for you? Is the static screen a turn off for you? Did you wish for the touch screen? Do you really care if you can create/edit sounds or styles? What feature is present - or missing that you really wanted?

Just wondering,